Albert Durer revived: or, a book of drawing, limning, washing, or colouring of maps and prints: and the art of painting - with the names and mixtures of colours used by the picture-drawers. With directions how to lay and paint pictures upon glass. Or, the young-man's time well spent. In which he hath the ground-work to make him fit for doing any thing by hand, when he is able to draw well. By the use of this work you may draw all parts of a man, legs, arms, hands, and feet, severally and together. And directions for birds, beasts, landskips, ships, and the like. Moreover, grounds to lay silver or gold upon, and how silver and gold shall be laid or limned upon size, ... Very useful for all handicrafts, and ingenuous gentlemen and youths

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printed by I. Dawks, for John Garrett, at his shop as you go up the stairs of the Royal Exchange in Cornhill, where you may have choice of all sorts of large and small maps, coloured or uncoloured, variety of Dutch and French prints, and prints done in Metzo Tincto, very good Indian ink to draw withal, and all sorts of the best copy-books, and Cocker's Tutor to writing and Arithmetick, being a new and most easie method, so easie that the meanest capacity may understand it at the first sight, and several sorts of coloured sashes to set before windows ca. 1697 England, London [1], 21 leaves ill